Advantages of APPLE / SEB Ke Fayde / Benefits of APPLE / Natural Home Remedies From APPLE / Medicinal Uses of APPLE

Following are the Simple Natural Remedies of APPLE according to Science and Ayurveda

1. To improve memory power and help physical development, eat an apple with the peel, only after meals.

2. To strengthen the gums and brighten the teeth, chew an apple every day.

3. To enhance physical strength. relief tiredness and strengthen the nervous system eat apple since it contains vitamin A, B, and C

4. To prevent phlegm and congestion, eat an apple regularly after food every day for 44 days.

5. To get relief from partial headache, eat an apple with salt regularly for 20 days.

6. To get permanent relief from ulcers, drink apple juice regularly over a long period.

7. To get rid of pimples and obtain a health skin. apply the apple kernel To the face.

8. To strengthen the nerves or To get rid of nervous debility do as follows; cut an apple in To small pieces and soak in pure honey for 24 hours. add rose petals To the mixtures and dry it in the sun. after 7 days take the mixtures thrice a day, till relief is obtained.

9. To get relief from rheumatic pains and liver problems, eat an apple with the peel every day.

10. To improve digestion and failing memory, eat an apple every day. this will also quench thirst.